Deconfinement & Easing.

Following several weeks of confinement, Monday June 7, 2021, our corporate offices in Laval, Beloeil and Quebec are moving from red to orange! Our Montmagny sales office will be upgraded to yellow on June 14, 2021. Recent epidemiological results allow the Legault government to gradually ease off some of the sanitary restrictions and give back […]
18 June 2021
Following several weeks of confinement, Monday June 7, 2021, our corporate offices in Laval, Beloeil and Quebec are moving from red to orange! Our Montmagny sales office will be upgraded to yellow on June 14, 2021. Recent epidemiological results allow the Legault government to gradually ease off some of the sanitary restrictions and give back some flexibility while communicating that we must remain vigilant and respectful the whole of the basic sanitary measures. Please note that our sales offices are opened : hand washing, surgical mask wearing, social distancing of 2 meters, limited number of people in store, plexi screen and appointments booking are still in place in ou sales offices and model homes in Quebec City.   Please note also that our schedules are constantly being updated and published on our website. We remain available to serve and support you throughout your project you via phone, chat, email, social networks, virtual meetings (video conferences) and in our sales offices/branches.   We thank you for your understanding. We are more than ever near you! To reach us or schedule a virtual information session: 1 800.463.1107        